Архив событий


The judge of the Supreme Court A. Kassimov was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Law


The judge of the Supreme Court Akyltai Kassimov successfully defended a thesis for the degree of doctor of legal sciences at the University of Varna (Bulgaria) on the theme "The measures of criminal procedural coercion of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the problems of theory and practice".

The unanimous decision of seven members of the scientific jury, doctors of sciences on the specialty "Criminal Process" decided to award Akyltai Akhmedzhanovich Kassimov with a doctorate in law.

The court found the products posted on the Internet resource illegal and suspended its distribution on the territory of the republic in the Almaty region


The monitoring of the forum (channel) of "YouTube" the popular video-hosting conducted by the prosecutor's office revealed 13 videos with shocking names, containing propaganda of narcotic drugs, i.e. methods of cultivation, production, application and enumeration of cannabis varieties.

The court found that information on this Internet resource is distributed and propaganda of the use of narcotic drugs and substances provoking their use and further dependence is freely conducted which leads to irreversible consequences