A printed form of a talon on the registration statement of the claim (complaint)

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Dear user! In connection with the launch of the online information service on the site of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan "Introduction to the court documents" by the offices of the courts implemented issuance of the Talon on registration statements of claim, writ, special productions (hereinafter - Talon).

The Talon consists of 2 parts. The first part contains information about Talon electronic notice of the trial participants (remains the applicant). The second part of Talon is performed mark on agreement (disagreement) through electronic notification SMS-messages; fill with details (attached to the application).

In order to save time, spent on filling Talon in the court, you are given the option to print the attached Talon, fill it up to the date the claim in the court.

File COUPON on admission of application 06.08.2014 10:49:25odmin12323.66 KB