Automotive support

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Provision of the judiciary authorities by auto transportation services   

Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan №179 dated March 17, 2015 and head of the Department dated December 31, 2015 № №6001-15-7-6 / 533 "On approval of special transport vehicles natural standards for service of the judiciary authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for transport service of judiciary authorities are provided availability standards of official and special transport vehicles.  

There are 495 units of motor transport on the courts Administrator balance all round the republic. With the exclusion of two-part courts for provision of the availability standards for the local courts do not have enough 233 units of motor transport. In 2016, the territorial authorities of the Committee for State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan held events to write off 21 units of motor transport, due to the inefficiency of their further use. In addition, in the current year is being organized the work on the transfer of 3 units of motor transport from the republican property in the municipal property. 

In 2016, it is planned to install gas cylinder equipment (GCE) on 247 motor transports owned by the courts Administrator balance. This figure is 52% of the 495 units of motor transport, on the balance of the republic.

However, in order to prevent a variety of violations being monitored via «GPS Tracking» system, which is installed on all motor transports all around the republic. Work is also carried out on the implementation of the issuance of fuel oil and lubricants for motor transport on this system.