Архив событий


In Petropavlovsk city court held a meeting with the pupils of the boarding-school


On the eve of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Petropavlovsk city court held an open day, which were attended by pupils of the senior classes of the regional school - a boarding-school for orphans and children left without parental care.

Pupils attended one of the trials in a criminal case.

In CCS was held a briefing with the participation of judges of the Supreme Court


Today in the Central Communications Service held a briefing with the Chairman of the supervisory judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court Akyltay Kasimov and judge supervisory judicial board on civil and administrative cases of the Supreme Court Zhanylsyn Arkharova.

Speakers explained the main aspects of the transition to a new model of criminal and civil laws and legal proceedings.

In CCS was held a briefing with the participation of judges of the Supreme Court


Today in the Central Communications Service held a briefing with the Chairman of the supervisory judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court Akyltay Kasimov and judge supervisory judicial board on civil and administrative cases of the Supreme Court Zhanylsyn Arkharova.

Speakers explained the main aspects of the transition to a new model of criminal and civil laws and legal proceedings.

Arrested and deprived of his driver's license, former head of the tax administration


Yesterday, in Specialized inter-district administrative court of Almaty city is considered an administrative case against Kurmashev Bakyt Nurmatovich. He was charged under Articles 467 p. 3, 468-1, 469 p. 2 CAO., (driving under alcohol, drugs and (or) for abuse of intoxication, leaving by a person driving a vehicle in violation of the rules of the road scene of a traffic accident, to which he was).