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I congratulate you on the coming bright holiday Nauryz!

Long since, Nauryz is a symbol of awakening and renewal of all life, harmony and purity in the relationship between man and nature. Its deeper meaning this holiday has regained in Kazakhstan beginning since independence period. It joined an invisible thread linking the historical rich past - the values and traditions of the Turkic people’s ancient culture.

Nauryz today - it's a celebration of peace and stability, unity and well-being of all ethnic groups’ representatives living in Kazakhstan. These are the main priorities of the policy pursued by the Head of State, the key to further successful development of the country and improving the quality of its citizen’s life.

Dear friends! With all my heart I wish peace and prosperity of our Motherland, happiness and prosperity to every family. Let Nauryz will bring you health, stability, and prosperity!

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami