Scheduled plenary meeting was held at the Supreme Court

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Scheduled plenary meeting was held at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The judges of the Supreme Court, representatives of Constitutional Council as well as representatives of General Prosecutor's Office and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the meeting.

Regulatory Resolution “On making amendments and changes to the Regulatory Resolution No. 2 dated June 18, 2004. “On some issues of classification of crimes in economic domain” of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan had been adopted.

The abovementioned draft was developed with the purpose of right application of Criminal Legislation for crimes in economic domain by courts, because that facilitates the ensuring the rights and legal interests of individuals and legal entities and government.

Particularly it was explained that even actions of the individuals gained possession of other person's property by using counterfeit bank notes, securities issued not by the enterprise subject to qualification as the fraud.

Furthermore, it was clarified that bank's officer is responsible for embezzlement, if his actions were committed with the intent to appeal gratuitous bank funds on his own property or the property of others.

The Regulatory Resolution draft was developed taking into account the opinions of scientist, expert, public agency officer as well as considering the defects determined in judicial practice on application of Criminal Legislation regulations.

New procedure was adopted for plenary meeting of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It specifies competence, conditions and procedure for plenary meeting conduction, Supreme Court Chairman's authority, plenary meeting Secretary's powers as well as procedure for preparation of plenary meeting issues and other issues set by Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Legal System and Status of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.  


Press Office of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Пресс-служба Верховного Суда РК