The court recovered more than 170 million tenge from a citizen illegally kept 402 saiga horns in the house

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The regional territorial inspection of forestry and wildlife appealed to court No. 2 in Uralsk, West Kazakhstan Region with a lawsuit against B. to recover the damage caused.

The plaintiff motivated his demands by the fact that the defendant was found guilty of committing a criminal offense by the sentence of the Urals City Court as a result of which the defendant caused damage to the state in the amount of 170,528,400 KZT.

The court found that the defendant was detained by the region's Department of Internal Affairs on the fact of sending illegally stored 402 saiga horns in his house which they illegally purchased from unidentified persons on 15.04.2016. Thus, B. illegally busy with the purchase, storage, sale, transportation, transfer of parts and derivatives of rare species of animals, despite the ban.

The sentence of the court which is recognized as the right to satisfy the claim in the criminal case is obligatory for the court considering the case of the civil law consequences of the actions of the person against whom the sentence of the court was sustained.

The court satisfied the plaintiff's claims and recovered 170,528,400 KZT from B. in government revenue for the compensation of the damage caused.

The decision has not come into force.

Press Service of the West Kazakhstan Regional Court